Oliver Waitze: Flatpicking Guitar Master Technique

In English and German
Oliver Waitze: Flatpicking Guitar Master Technique
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Sales price 24,95 €
Tax amount 1,63 €

Offers a superb selection of in-depth lessons for players of all levels taught and recorded (slowly and up to tempo) by Flatpicking Master Oliver Waitze. Learn and improve the fundamentals of bluegrass flatpicking guitar! Effective right-hand and left-hand exercises, different backup styles, driving and syncopated rhythm, bass runs, crosspicking, melody and rhythm, gourmet bluegrass endings and licks, variations of your playing, and examples for improvisation. Contains many exercises designed to help you find your way in and out of every possible twist and turn of the left and right hands. Written in standard notation and TAB. Free audio downloads are available for use with this title.


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